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Out-Foxing the Wolf

9 Amus-ings

Part  Two of my contribution to"Too Big"  a national project meant to use the arts to spur a dialogue about the economy, access and opportunity.  Professors from four campuses across the country are working with their respective students to investigate attitudes towards the future (money, opportunity, education, etc.) Each campus is creating devised theatre (theatre/dance) works with their students out of the data collected through a variety of arts-based research methods.  Partners are: Celeste Miller (Grinnell College), Lesley Delmenico (Grinnell College), Lisa Brenner (Drew University), Evelyn Diaz-Cruz (University of San Diego), Mary Elizabeth Anderson (Wayne State University).

Out-Foxing the Wolf consisted of nine individual musings inspired by our Fall work on "Abundance + Scarcity", but with this semester we took our explorations into creating movement, image, and text metaphors for our views about the economy.  The audience was invited to arrange their own order each night.  Below are the nine individual musings. Choose your own order to watch them in!

Title: By Way of an Introduction

Title: Wolf at the Door

A tap piece choreographed by Sophie Neems to Robison Carson's "Wolf at the Door"

Title: Two Cow Economics

Title: Three Little Wolves

Title: Rest-Less Questions

TItle: Rate of Exchange

Title: The Story of Money

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