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Too Big is a national project meant to use the arts to spur a dialogue about the economy, access and opportunity.  Professors from four campuses across the country are working with their respective students to investigate attitudes towards the future (money, opportunity, education, etc.) Each campus is creating devised theatre (theatre/dance) works with their students out of the data collected through a variety of arts-based research methods.  Partners are: Celeste Miller (Grinnell College), Lesley Delmenico (Grinnell College), Lisa Brenner (Drew University), Evelyn Diaz-Cruz (University of San Diego), Mary Elizabeth Anderson (Wayne State University).

Celeste began work with Grinnell Dance Ensemble/ACTivate in the Fall of 2013.  Together they created a performance work, Abundance + Scarcity, which premiered December 6-8 at the Flanagan Theatre, Grinnell College.  A detailed document of the work and its process can be discovered here.

Jill Wielgos, Grinnell College Dance Ensemble/ACTivate

For Spring 2014, Celeste and the Ensemble are continuing the work in the form of "Out-Foxing the Wolf". 

A semi-updated blog can be found here. 

The blog contains Miller’s work with Big If Dance Experiments and the Ensemble to develop this new piece for Too Big. 

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